We have had a busy week this week.
On Wednesday I set the kids the task of doing the weekly shopping, they all sat together, planned the meals they would like to eat and wrote a shopping list based on these meals and adding in lunches, snacks and breakfasts. We printed out 4 copies of the list so that they had one each and set off shopping. J and A did really well with the task from start to finish but T got bored half way through and M struggled to follow the list.
Thursday we sat and watched a few documentaries about planet Earth. So far we have covered deserts and oceans.
Friday we met up with a few home ed friends at a country park. The kids enjoyed 3 hours of running, exploring, climbing, den building and just general play. M even decided that wading with the ducks would be a very fun idea and came home very wet.
In the evening we went to my mums birthday party where the kids stuffed themselves with yummy home made food.
Yesterday we had my niece and nephew to stay and a friends child visited. They all had lots of fun on the trampoline. In the afternoon I took A and my niece on a girly shopping trip, it's amazing how strong an opinion on clothes a 7 and 10 year old can have. They both made me chuckle a few times.
Today it's my niece and nephews christening so I must go and get ready, the kids can't wait for the afternoon tea and bouncy castle afterwards. I just hope the weather stays nice for them.
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